基于AspectJ 的Web应用内存膨胀规约测试
投稿时间:2018-04-11  修订日期:2018-05-30  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 232
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吴晗* 南京航空航天大学 211106
中文关键词:Web应用  内存膨胀  AspectJ  自动判定
AspectJ-based Web Application Memory Bloat Test
Abstract:Web applications are a typical type of application that easily contains memory bloat. It provides long-term and large-scale external services. Even with minor memory usage defects, it may cause serious consequences for long-term and large-scale external users, making it impossible for applications to continue to provide external Web services and affect system availability. Loss of economic and social benefits. For this purpose, we propose a AspectJ -based memory bloat specification language and its supporting tools for Web applications to test the memory bloat problem of Web applications. Unlike the existing methods, which rely more on the tester's experience, we convert the artificially-experienced dilation decision into automatic program judgement, which reduces the workload of the testers and makes the memory bloat test discovery easier to complete. Testers can use our specification and tools to easily test and discover memory bloat during Web application execution..
keywords:Web Applications  Memory bloat  AspectJ  Automatic Decision
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