投稿时间:2018-05-16  修订日期:2018-05-23  点此下载全文
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陈韬* 南京航空航天大学 计算机科学与技术学院 211106
王明明 南京航空航天大学 
中文摘要:如今,Linux操作系统、嵌入式系统、航电系统、通信系统等一般都是用C/C++语言进行编写。这是因为C语言具有偏底层硬件、移植性强、执行效率高等优秀特性。但是随着多核并行机的出现,许多语言也开始支持多线程编程。由于C语言本身存在着对内存访问时,不对内存边界进行检查的问题,从而造成软件系统相关的可靠性和安全性问题。而且对多线程C语言程序来说,由于多线程程序的不确定性,使得运行时验证多线程C程序的内存安全问题变得更加困难。本文通过使用基于改进的指针运行时验证技术、多核多线程技术、并行计算、无锁数据结构技术、源代码插桩技术方法,并结合开源工具Clang编译器实现原型工具Movec(Monitoring,verification and control)对多线程C程序的支持。该工具实现了对多线程C程序内存安全问题的运行时验证。然后通过Mibench和SARD测试用例进行实验,验证了该工具对多线程C程序进行运行时验证的有效性。
中文关键词:多线程  多核  无锁数据结构  运行时验证  源代码插桩  编程语言
Memory security runtime verification for multi-threaded programs
Abstract:At present, Linux operating system, embedded system, avionics system, communication system are usually written in C/C++ programming language. Because of the excellent features of the C language, which has a low level of hardware, strong portability and high execution efficiency. But with the advent of multicore parallel machines, many languages have also begun to support multithreaded programming. C language has the problem that it does not check memory boundary when accessing memory, which causes the reliability and security of software system can not be guaranteed. For multithreaded C language programs, it is difficult to verify the multithreading C program at run time because of the uncertainty of multithreaded programs. we use improved pointer runtime verification, multicore and multi thread technology, parallel computing, unlocked data structure technology, the aid of open-source compiler Clang and source code instrumentation technology complete the prototype tool Movec(Monitoring, verification and control) which supports multithreading C programs runtime verification. Then, By experimentation on Mibench and SARD, it is verified that the tool can indeed run time validation for multithreaded C programs.
keywords:multi  thread, multicore, unlocked  data structure, runtime  verification, source  code piling, programming  language
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