投稿时间:2019-10-16  修订日期:2019-11-27  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 214
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罗振威* 湖南理工学院 414006
中文关键词:贴片机  中心定位  边缘检测  亚像素  数据拟合
Chip Center Localization Algorithm Based on Edge Linear Fitting
Abstract:In order to solve the problem that the placement machine may not be caused by the centering accuracy of the chip component, the throwing of the chip and the chip of the chip may be damaged. In this paper, a center localization algorithm based on edge data fitting is designed to achieve high-precision sub-pixel positioning of the chip center. Based on this , the measured center deviation is used to calculate the reference deviation of the chip from the nozzle, obtain the center offset of the chip.And calculate the rotation angle of the chip by linearly fitting the obtained edge line。In the algorithm process, the de-chamfering algorithm is added to remove the influence of chamfering information on the fitting, and the stability of the detection result is better improved. It can be seen from the running results of the program that the algorithm improves the placement accuracy of the placement machine, and has a good effect on detecting the deflection angle of the chip, and the efficiency of the detection process is ensured compared with other sub-pixel detection algorithms.
keywords:mounter  center positioning  edge detection  sub-pixel  data fittin
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