投稿时间:2022-03-01  修订日期:2022-03-11  点此下载全文
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刘建波* 山东省计量科学研究院山东济南250014 250014
王伟钊 山东省计量科学研究院山东济南250014 
刘晓 山东省计量科学研究院山东济南250014 
王大龙 山东省计量科学研究院山东济南250014 
汪心妍 山东省计量科学研究院山东济南250014 
李文强 山东省计量科学研究院山东济南250014 
马雪锋 山东省计量科学研究院山东济南250014 
杨梅 山东省计量科学研究院山东济南250014 
中文摘要:针对充电桩现场测试设备的充电需求与实际输出不一致,出现电压、电流不匹配的问题,设计了一套检测方案,构建出包括电流检测模块、电压检测模块和示波器检测模块的检测电路,通过采样电压和电流信号,计算出不同负载下充电桩输出电流和电压值,并设计了包括直流电能采集电路, 由双通道AD转换 AD7380、可编程增益放大器、可编程增益放大器、增益电阻Rg2和电源变换器、低通滤波器电容 CL、低通滤波器电阻RL组成的检测电路,在检测电路中,为了提高检测效率,还设置了校正电路。通过试验,本研究方法分析直观,误差低。
中文关键词:充电桩  计量校准  电流检测、电压检测  校正电路  不匹配
Analysis and Treatment of the Mismatch Between Output and Charging Demand in the Process Of Charging Pile Metering
Abstract:In view of the low measurement accuracy of the charging piles on the market and the large analysis error of the calibration platform, this paper improves on the traditional measurement system to increase its measurement accuracy and reduce the analysis error of the calibration platform. Through the design of the V2G topology circuit, the connection between the charging pile and the metering device is realized to ensure that the metering device receives signals in a very short time. Use the Threshold Beyond Safety TBS algorithm model to calibrate and analyze the measurement data, and judge the calibration error by estimating the limit threshold. The test shows that the operating power of the charging pile in this study is 139.5W, the measurement accuracy is 96.1%, and the analysis error of the calibration platform is 0.96%.
keywords:Charging Pile Laboratory  Metrological Calibration Analysis Platform  V2G Topology Circuit  TBS Algorithm Model
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