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朱丽娜 沈阳炮兵学院 基础部辽宁 沈阳110162 
刘思力 沈阳炮兵学院 电子侦察指挥系, 辽宁 沈阳110162) 
中文摘要:考虑一类奇异离散系统,应用自适应遗传算法给出其降阶H∞ 控制器的设计方法。通过对目标函数的全局搜索,得到控制器的最小阶次及相应的正定矩阵参数,进而设计出降阶H∞控制器。仿真表明,所提出方法不论对非奇异系统,还是奇异系统都可以得到降阶H∞控制器,且控制器易于求解。
中文关键词:自适应遗传算法(AGA)  线性矩阵不等式(LMI)  降阶H∞控制器
Reduced-order H∞ Controllers for Singular Discrete Systems Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm
Abstract:An approach of reduced-order H∞ controller for a class of singular disctete system is presented based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm. The minimum order of the controller and a corresponding parameter pair of positive definite matrix are obtained by means of searching the object function. And then the reduced-order H∞ controllers can be constructed. The simulation results show that the controller can be obtained not only for non- singular system but also for singular system.
keywords:Adaptive Genetic Algorithm (AGA)  Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI)  reduced-order H∞ controllers
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