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张海燕 (广西电力职业技术学院广西 南宁530007 ) 
严方 (广西电力职业技术学院广西 南宁530007 ) 
邓艳霞 (广西电力职业技术学院广西 南宁530007 ) 
中文关键词:虚拟DPU  OPC自动化接口  DCOM技术
The Implementation of Scoring System of Simulator Based on OPC Technology
Abstract:Because of the use of OPC technology as the way for data communication for virtual DPU technology is widely used in simulation development, This paper presents implementation of scoring system of simulator based on OPC technology machine . This scoring system of simulator uses OPC Automation interface and DCOM technology, collecting operation data from simulator’s virtual DCS。Because of the use of OPC technology as a communication technology, thus scoring system has good versatility and portability.
keywords:virtual DPU  OPC automation interface  DCOM technology
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