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龙晓薇 湖南工业大学 电气与信息工程学院湖南 株洲412008 
阳春华 湖南工业大学 电气与信息工程学院湖南 株洲412008 
龙永红 中南大学 信息科学与工程学院湖南 长沙410083 
中文关键词:PVC建材  表面缺陷  边缘检测  数学形态学  特征分类
Research and Design on Surface Defect Detection System for PVC Building Materials
Abstract:In order to satisfy the requirements in high speed、high resolution for PVC building materials line,this paper projects a system designing solution for PVC building materials surface defect inspection.In order to ensure the real-time in detection system,the capture image devices combining with area-array CCD camera and LED surface light source are used in the hardware, the image processing methods combining with real-time processing and quasi-real-time processing are used in the software.For the characteristics of high-noise on defect image and exactly single-peak histogram,Arithmetic flow combining with edge detection segmentation and mathematical morphology processing is presented.By analyzing the statistical properties of the image defects,feature parameters in the area of PVC building materials surface inspection are extracted,the method classifies defects into bubbles、color marks、cracks by using classifier based on the decision tree.The experimental results show the effectiveness and real-time of the algorithm,the detection rate of defects is higher than 95% while the classification rate of defects is higher than 90%.
keywords:PVC building materials  surface inspection  edge detection  mathematical morphology  feature classification
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