基于MATLAB 的遥感图像边缘检测算子的实验比较分析
引用本文:何亮云.基于MATLAB 的遥感图像边缘检测算子的实验比较分析[J].计算技术与自动化,2010,(2):70-73
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何亮云 (湖南城市学院 城市建设系湖南 益阳413000) 
中文关键词:MATLAB  图像处理;边缘检测  算子
Exper Imental Compar Isons of MATLAB based Operators for Edge Detection in RS Digital Image
Abstract:Image Processing MATLAB Toolbox User's Guide, Has provided the edge function, It can use many kinds of operators to carry on the image the edge examination. Several common edge detection operators (Sobel operator、Prewitt operator、Sobel operator、Log operator and Canny operator) in digital processing can be achieved through MATLAB and the detection effect and anti noise ability of each operator are analyzed to clarify the advantages and disadvantages and the scope of application.
keywords:MATLAB  image processing  edge detection  operators
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