摘要点击次数: 2009
全文下载次数: 304
辛健 (沈阳建筑大学 信息学院,辽宁 沈阳110168) 
中文关键词:执行器故障  圆盘  不确定性  线性矩阵不等式
For a Class of Uncertain Linear Systems Robust Reliable Poles Placement in Disk Regions
Abstract:For a class of uncertain linear systems, we present an LMI (Linear Matrix Inequality) based approach to design a state-feedback robust reliable controller .A more practical continuous model of sensor and actuator failures than discrete model is considered, we present the sufficient condition for existence of the state feedback robust reliable controller. By solving the LMI, determine the parameter matrix of the robust reliable controller. The robust reliable controller given ,not only can keep poles of the uncertain closed-loop system in expected disk, but also can against the influence of actuator failures for the disk poles. A numerical example is given to show the effectiveness and the feasibility of the obtained results.
keywords:actuator failure  disk  uncertainty  LMI
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