摘要点击次数: 2010
全文下载次数: 235
张显库 (大连海事大学 航海动态仿真与控制实验室,辽宁 大连116026) 
中文关键词:不稳定过程  方框图  等效方框图  零极点  对消
Problem of Block Diagram Algebra with Unstable Pole-zero Cancellation
Abstract:In order to complement block diagram algebra rules in the classical control theory, further research on block diagram reducing problem is conducted with unstable pole-zero cancellation. The experiment shows that if the corresponding zeroes and poles belonging to different blocks of a complicated system are canceled, the stability of which might be changed immediately. This phenomenon should be considered and included in block diagram algebra rules of the classical control theory. The simulating results make the conclusion that maintaining the previous structure of the complex system is necessary to the equivalent process. Details of the comparison and the simulating curves are presented in the paper.
keywords:unstable process  block diagram  equivalent diagram  zero and pole  cancel
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