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张晗 (中国卫星海上测控部江苏 江阴214431) 
中文关键词:LabVIEW  数据采集  数据传输  数据存储
LabVIEW-based Ocean-going Tracking Ship Monitoring System
Abstract:For the purpose of improving informatization level of tracking ship's monitoring system ,and eliminating barriers between ship and shore . Ethernet as the transmission medium of the integrated control system of the tracking ship has been developed. In view of the characteristics of various types of tracking ship’s equipment, LabVIEW platform for the development of the monitoring system has been chosen. Tracking ship monitoring system uses a distributed release, centralized storage, and optional receiver’s strategy, making system reliability and network traffic volume reaching the optimal. According to the status of the tracking ship equipment, four kinds of data acquisition methods and four kinds of network communications means has been putting forward, which will integrate various types of monitoring equipment. Not only raised the level of monitoring informatization, but also effectively protected the existing investments and lower development costs.
keywords:LabVIEW  data acquisition  data transmission  data storage
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