Z-H算法正确性证明第四次改写 |
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引用本文:姜新文,王琪,姜子恒.Z-H算法正确性证明第四次改写[J].计算技术与自动化,2010,(3):35-48 |
摘要点击次数: 2375 |
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中文摘要:提出多级图简单路径求解问题,我们称之为MSP问题。给出求解该问题的Z-H算法,证明算法的正确性,分析算法的时间复杂性。最后通过将HC问题(哈密顿图判定问题)多项式归结成MSP问题,证明MSP问题的NP完全性质。本文极大地简化文献[6,7]中αβ引理的证明,特别是对证明过程中的各种情形进行分割,将一个巨大的证明分成系列引理。 |
中文关键词:算法 MSP问题 HC问题 NP问题 NP完全问题 |
The Fourth Version of The Proof for Z-H Algorithm to Solve MSP Problem |
Abstract:It is introduced a new problem to be named as MSP and an algorithm to solve MSP in this paper. The time complexity of the algorithm is a polynomial function of |V|*|E|, where, |V| stands for the number of vertex and |E| stands for the number of edges of the given graph.The contribution of the new proof is that we divide the giant proof in [6,7] into several parts so that people can be easier to grasp. |
keywords:algorithm MSP problem HC problem NP problem NP –complete prolem |
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