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徐德智 (中南大学 信息科学与工程学院湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:本体学习  文档聚类  k-means聚类算法  相似度  本体合并
An Ontology Learning Based on Documents Clustering
Abstract:Ontology learning is a series of semi-automatic ontology building methods and techniques. It does this by using a variety of data sources in order to building a new ontology through constructing a new or expanding an ontology by using semi-automatic methods. The existing ontology construction methods are through choosing the concept of a field from a large number of documents of a special domain and background corpus to construct an ontology. This paper proposed a Cluster-Merge algorithm that first cluster documents of a special domain by using the k-means clustering algorithm;And then construct many ontologies based the results of clustered documents;Finally,merge these ontologies based ontology similarity to get the final output of ontology. It can be proved that these ontologies derived from the Cluster-Merge algorithm can improve recall ratio, precision ratio through experiments .
keywords:ontology learning  document clustering  k-means clustering algorithm  ontology similarity  ontology merged
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