P vs. NP问题研究状态及其对密码学的意义
引用本文:王琪,姜新文,彭立宏.P vs. NP问题研究状态及其对密码学的意义[J].计算技术与自动化,2010,(3):66-72
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王琪 (国防科技大学 计算机学院湖南 长沙410073) 
中文摘要:介绍P vs. NP问题的研究状态以及P vs. NP问题的研究对于密码学的意义。主要内容包括关于证明P≠NP的主要研究方法和相关工作,关于证明P=NP的主要研究方法和相关工作,关于求解NP完全问题的相关方法,以及P vs. NP问题研究与密码学的关系。由于现代密码学建立在未知密钥情况下不存在有效的算法将明文消息从密文中提取出来的假定之上,因此安全加密算法存在的一个必要条件是P≠NP。如果P=NP,根据Cook的观点,现代密码体制将崩溃。依据P=NP的假定,给出一个可能的密码分析模型。
中文关键词:P vs. NP  密码学  NP完全  计算复杂性  MSP
The Status of the P Versus NP Problem and its Relationship with Cryptology
Abstract:This paper introduces the status of the P versus NP problem and its impact on cryptology, including the methods and related work about proving P≠NP and P=NP, as well as how to solve NP-complete problems. It is also discussed the relations between the P versus NP problem and cryptology. Modern cryptography is based on the assumption that there’s not an effective algorithm to induce the plaintexts from the ciphertexts if people knowing nothing about decryption key. So the existence of the safe encryption algorithm depends on P≠NP, and the consequence of a feasible proof that P=NP is that complexity-based cryptography would fail. Assuming P=NP, we shall give a possible model of cryptanalysis.
keywords:P vs. NP  cryptology  NP-complete  computational complexity  MSP
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