基于贡献值的P2P资源共享激励机制 |
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引用本文:李志敏,张英杰.基于贡献值的P2P资源共享激励机制[J].计算技术与自动化,2010,(3):100-103 |
摘要点击次数: 1953 |
全文下载次数: 260 |
中文摘要:针对P2P系统文件共享中的大量搭便车现象,提出一种基于贡献值的新型激励机制,该机制根据节点的贡献值进行资源分配,贡献值越大的节点越能获得高的服务质量和优先级。仿真实验表明,基于贡献值的资源分配算法能有效地实现P2P系统中资源分配的公平性和效率,鼓励贡献节点,同时抑制搭便车现象。 |
中文关键词:P2P 贡献值 激励机制 搭便车 资源分配 |
P2P Resource Sharing Incentive Mechanism Base on the Contribution |
Abstract:To solve “free-rider” problems in peer-to-peer system, this paper presents a novel incentive mechanism base on the contribution of node. The incentive mechanism allocates resources base on the contribution of node. The greater contribution value of the node can obtain the higher quality of service and priority. The simulations result shows that the algorithm of resources allocate base on the contribution of node can effective achieve the fairness and efficiency of resources allocate in the P2P system, attain the purpose of encouraging the contribution node and suppressing the phenomenon of free rider. |
keywords:peer-to-peer contribution incentive mechanism free rider resource allocation |
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