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曾利军 (湖南工学院 计算机科学系,湖南 衡阳421002) 
中文关键词:云变换  粗糙集  离散属性  超熵
Decision Tree Construction Based on CloudTransformation and Rough Set Theory
Abstract:Current decision tree cannot handle missing data and continuous data effectively and there exists the complexity and uncertainty in knowledge expression.A new decision tree construction based on cloudtransformation and tough set theory is presented.Firstly,it utilizes cloud transform to discretize continuous data.Then,Based on the obtained concept and adopting method of maximum determinant, the thesis gets the ultimate discretize data by soft-classifying the original attribute data of every numerical attribute. Finally, it generates decision tree recursively by selecting the splitting attribute of the current nodes according to the weighted mean roughness under the characteristic relation-based rough sets. The new algorithm can handle incomplete data and discretize continuous data more effectively than C5.0.The experiment results show that this method is feasible.
keywords:cloud transformation  rough set  category attributes  hyper entropy
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