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丁黎明,周支元 (怀化医学高等专科学校 公共课部计算机教研室湖南 怀化418000) 
中文关键词:WinCC6.2  S7-400  PLC  三废锅炉
The Chemical Control System of Three-waste Boiler Based on PCS7
Abstract:Introduced the design and implementation of the three-waste boiler of chemical control system.which use WinCC6.2 as the supervisory machine’s configuration software, and take S7-400 series of PLC as the core of programming software to realize this control of subordinate machine.The same time has given the hardware component of this system, the connection and communication methods of PLC to scene instrumentations, and implementation of monitor screen.
keywords:WinCC6.2,S7-400,PLC,three-waste boiler
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