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包天悦,刘素娟 (东北石油大学 秦皇岛分校,河北 秦皇岛066004) 
中文关键词:铅酸蓄电池  在线监测  计算机  数据采集
Forcecontrol-based On-line Monitor System for VRLA Battery
Abstract:The VRLA battery, as stand-by power, has been widly used in many power-supply systems. Therefore, in the absence of the necessary use of monitoring tools, and do not have the daily monitoring of accurate monitoring method, so the DC power supply problems often lead to accidents due to the battery Through forcecontrol software controls the battery voltage, resistance and other parameters, this paper designed an efficient battery on-line monitoring program, and find a way to achieve accurate monitoring and performance prediction of VRLA battery.
keywords:VRLA  on-line monitorin  computer  data acquisition
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