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姚跃亭.赵建军.吴修振 (1.海军航空工程学院 飞行器工程系山东 烟台264001
2.海军航空工程学院 兵器科学与技术系山东 烟台264001) 
中文关键词:目标分配  改进遗传算法  模拟退火  禁忌搜索
Target Assignment of Air Defense with Improved Genetic Algorithm
Abstract:Abstract-The premises, principles and assumptions of target assignment are analyzed in detail, and the general model of target assignment based on genetic algorithm is built up, the chromosome representation based on decimal coding is presented aiming at dealing with constraints of binary coding, improving the general model. After initial conditions are set, the improved model is realized in MATLAB. The population product is improved by reforming circle algorithm and hamming distance, crossover operator is improved by Logistic chaotic series, and selection operator is improved by the replace of roulette wheel selection by fitness ranking selection. The simulation results show that the method can search the optimum solution with a probability of 90%. Compared with the Simulated annealing and Tabu search, the search efficiency of genetic algorithm increased 100% or even more.
keywords:target assignment  improved genetic algorithm  simulated annealing  tabu search
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