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朱苗苗,牛国锋 (常熟理工学院 计算机科学与工程学院 江苏 常熟215500) 
中文关键词:知识  概念图  知识格  知识联通与重组
The Research and Application of Knowledge Lattice
Abstract:Combining with the theory of knowledge lattice and the problem in terms of the knowledge studying, the paper proposed the notation and representing form that were consistent with the traditional lattice theory of algebraic system. According to the representation method of conception in the conceptual graphs and the subordinate relationship between the conceptions, the paper extended the knowledge lattice, constructed the sequence relation of the subordinate relationship between the related knowledge on a certain problem domain, and applied it into the learning process of a certain specific curriculum.
keywords:knowledge lattices  hasse diagram  generalization  specializatio
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