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赵雷鸣,李德银,刘昊 (海军装备研究院 航空所上海200436) 
中文摘要:通过介绍FEKO软件计算RCS 的步骤及计算技巧,辅助采用Unigraphics软件建模和ICEM CFD软件网格剖分,仿真计算国外某战斗机的RCS,经分析比较,计算数据可信。
中文关键词:FEKO  Unigraphics  ICEM CFD  战斗机RCS
Simulation of RCS of Battleplan by the Software Feko
Abstract:There is a method to compute the radar cross section (RCS) by the soft ware FEKO. This paper presents the author’s modeling method and skill.and there is a 3D model from the soft ware Unigraphics and a mesh model from the soft ware ICEM CFD.The RCS of overseas battleplan was caluated and precision of this method was believable.
keywords:FEKO  Unigraphics  ICEM CFD  battleplan RCS
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