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张晗 (中国卫星海上测控部江苏 江阴214431) 
中文摘要:从探讨构件技术应用出发,通过分析水文技术和质量需求,经逐层、分级抽象, 使数据交互更为清晰,并设计各软件构件。在体系结构层次上对构件和接口进行描述,形成构件库,为提高水文信息系统开发效率和质量提供可靠的基础。
中文关键词:软件复用  水文信息系统
Development of Hydrological Information System Based on Component Technology
Abstract:This paper investigates from the application of component technology, analyses hydrological technology and quality requirements, through layer-by-layer and hierarchical abstraction, making data interaction more clear, and designs each software component. Component library is built by means of description of components and interfaces in system architecture.This will provide a sound foundation for improvement of the efficiency and quality of hydrological information system.
keywords:component  software reuse  hydrological information system
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