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王建华,姚波,黄珊 (沈阳师范大学 数学与系统科学学院,辽宁 沈阳110034) 
中文关键词:不确定系统  混合故障模型  圆盘极点配置  执行器故障  可靠控制
Reliable Circular Disk Pole Placement for Uncertain Linear Systems with Mixed Fault
Abstract:The reliable circular disk pole placement design problem of mixed fault model with actuator faiure for a class of uncertain linear systems is discussed.A more practical and general model of actuator failure is presented. Mixed fault model is discrete fault model and continuous fault model coexist in a system, This controller designed to make the system less conservative, A sufficient condition of circular disk pole placement with mixed fault model reliable controller is given. State feedback controller is designed by solving LMI (linear matrix inequality). A simulation example shows the efficiency in a system.
keywords:uncertain linear systems  mixed fault model  placement of disk pole  actuator failure  reliable control
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