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尚伟,梁玉英,巴宁 (1.军械工程学院河北 石家庄0500032.武汉军械士官学校湖北 武汉430075) 
中文摘要:系统的状态检测过程中,各影响因子之间往往存在着多重相关性,给回归建模分析带来许多负面影响,采用偏最小二乘(PLS)回归建模分析可以很好地解决这个问题。在简述 P LS原理的基础上,结合系统状态检测仿真数据, 建立系统的状态检测的PLS模型,分别验证PLS回归预测模型用于多个自变量对单个因变量和多个自变量对多个因变量的回归模型的用于系统状态检测的可行性。
中文关键词:偏最小二乘  回归分析  状态检测
The Model of Multivariate and Linear Regress in State Detection Based on PLS
Abstract:Multiple correlations often exist among the different impact factors in systematic state detection course. And will bring about a series of negative effects on regression modeling and analysis. However,the partial least—squares regression method can solve this problem in a reasonable manner. Based on the principle of PLS,and also combined with system State detection emulation data,a partial least—squares regression model are established.validate of these two models include more to one and more to more model ware made,and good results was achieved.
keywords:partial least—squares(PLS)  regression analysis  state detection
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