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薛峰,陈刚,高尚 (江苏科技大学 计算机科学与工程学院江苏 镇江212003) 
中文关键词:粒子群算法  0-1整数规划问题  背包问题  遗传算法  变异
Solving 0-1 Integer Programming Problem by Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Abstract:The classical particle swarm optimization is a powerful method to find the minimum of a numerical function, on a continuous definition domain. The particle swarm optimization algorithm combine the ideal of the genetic algorithm is recommended to solve 0-1 integer programming problem. All the 6 hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithms are proved effective. Especially the hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm with across strategy A and mutation strategy C is a simple and effective better algorithm than others. It can easily be modified for any combinatorial problem for which we have no good specialized algorithm.
keywords:particle swarm algorithm  0-1 integer programming problem  knapsack problem  genetic algorithm  mutation
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