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高阳,李国璋 (军械工程学院一系河北 石家庄050003) 
中文关键词:支持向量机  尾气分析  核函数  柴油机  交叉确认法
The Nuclear Model Selection of SVM in the Analysis of Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions
Abstract:The effect of ordinary kernels and their parameters of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) on classification are researched. Then, use Cross-Validation (CV) to obtain the optimum parameters of SVM with different ordinary kernel on the diesel engine exhaust emissions data, and 3 performance indexes of SVM, the CV accuracy on training data and the classification accuracy on testing data as well as the parameter optimizing time, under the corresponding optimum parameters respectively. Comparing the same type indexes, the results are, for the diesel engine exhaust emissions data, the RBF kernel model has higher accuracy than other models at the first index, but the lower one at the second; the Linear kernel model takes shorter time on parameter optimizing than other ones. Considering the learning and extrapolating ability as well as the parameter optimizing time, linear kernel is determined to be used in SVM in the analysis of diesel engine exhaust emissions.
keywords:SVM  analysis of exhaust emissions  kernel  diesel engine  CV
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