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翟鸿雁,曾纪霞 (广州城市职业学院广东 广州510405) 
中文摘要:提出一个多密钥授权中心的基于分级身份的签名方案。 首先, 方案具有多个密钥中心,降低对密钥中心的信任假设、提高方案的健壮性; 其次,这个方案是可证明安全的,即在随机应答模型下,方案在给定身份和选择明文攻击下是不可伪造的;此外,新的基于分级身份签名方案是安全归约紧致的方案。
中文关键词:签名  基于身份  分级  多密钥中心
An Efficient Hierarchical Identity Based Signature Scheme with Multiple Private Key Generators
Abstract:A new hierarchical identity based signature (HIBS) schemes is proposed. Contributions are many folds: First, there are multiple private key generators in the new scheme; Second, it is provably secure and has very good exact security against existential forgery for selective-ID attack in the standard model; Finally, security reduction of the scheme is very tight.
keywords:signature  identity based  hierarchical  multi PKG
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