引用本文:陈诚,廖桂平, 李锦卫,史晓慧.基于GA、BP神经网络和多元回归的集成算法研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2011,(2):89-95
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陈诚,廖桂平, 李锦卫,史晓慧 (湖南农业大学 农业信息研究所湖南长沙430000) 
中文关键词:BP神经网络  多元回归  遗传算法  算法集成
Integration Algorithm Based on Genetic Algorithm, BP Neural Network and Multiple Regressions
Abstract:Genetic Algorithm, BP neural network and multiple regression are used widely in data mining algorithms, each of them have their benefits. Simultaneously, they have some inevitable flaws. On the basis of previous three, I made some improvements in the structure of them. First, I propose a hybrid BP network based on the integration of BP Network and multiple regression models. Then I used the hybrid genetic algorithm to optimize the initial weights of hybrid BP network. In that way, I effectively avoid the inevitable flaws when they alone. Validation results show, in convergence speed accuracy and generalization ability, the model of new methods is better than Genetic Algorithm, BP neural network and multiple regressions. In addition, the model of new methods has significant improvements compared with ELM, SVRKM and SVM.
keywords:BP neural network  multiple regression  genetic algorithms  algorithm integration
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