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潘伟 (沈阳炮兵学院 电子侦察系辽宁 沈阳110867) 
中文关键词:多普勒雷达  相关系数  参数可变遗传算法  交叉概率  变异概率
A Recognition Method of Doppler Radar Target Based on Alterable Parameter Genetic Algorithm
Abstract:Target recognition is an important link in the chain of information processingfor air-defense. There is not any ripe theory for air target type recognition. Through an analysis of the echo data of high- resolution radar target and on the foundation of genetic algorithm, a recognition method of radar target is presented in this paper. The experiments of recognition using the data of three kinds of aircraft models were performed and demonstrated this method has high recognition rate and low sensitivity to noise.
keywords:doppler radar  correlation coefficient  alterable parameter genetic algorithm  crossover probability  mutation probability
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