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王建功,王春明,江良剑 (中国人民解放军63880部队,河南 洛阳454750) 
中文摘要:利用TeeChart Pro工具开发出数据图像分析系统,具有实时数据监测和事后数据预处理的功能。通过MSComm控件实现串口通信以控制系统实时显示设备采集的数据来观测飞行器轨迹曲线,同时支持在界面上直接操作图像曲线以实现剔点功能,极大的方便了观测数据和修改数据。
中文关键词:图形显示  实时监测  图像操作  剔点
The Method Research of Target Data Graphical Processing
Abstract:Use Teechart Pro tools developed data image analysis systm,with veal time data monitoring and subsequent data processing functions.Through the Mscomm control realization in serial communication equipment control system for real time display of the data collected to observation,and support vehicles in the path curve interface direct operation to realize image curve,picking point function greatly convenient observation data and modify data.
keywords:graphic display  real time monitoring  graphics operation  uptick point
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