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李艳辉,尚胤彤,陈琴,黄娜 (东北石油大学 电气信息工程学院黑龙江 大庆163318) 
中文关键词:网络控制系统  峰-峰值性能约束  L1控制  线性矩阵不等式
Robust L1Control for a Class of Linear Networked Control Systems
Abstract:This paper is concerned with the robust L1 control problem for a class of linear networked control systems (NCS). The NCS with communication delays and packets dropouts is modeled as a linear time varying delay system, methods of Lyapunov theory and LMI are applied to design a state feedback controller with robust L1 constraint. Firstly, the sufficient condition is given for ensure the closed loop system asymptotically stable with constraint of peak peak performance, and then the design method of NSC state feedback with L1 control law is obtained. Finally, the controller parameter is calculated by LMI tool box. Numerical examples demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.
keywords:networked control systems  peak peak performance  L1 control  LMI
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