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刘珊,易灵芝,邓栋,罗晓雪 (湘潭大学 信息工程学院湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:最大功率跟踪  占空比扰动法  光伏系统
Research of Photovoltaic System Based on the Improved Duty Ratio Perturbation Method
Abstract:Maximum power point tracking technology is one of the key technologies for photovoltaic system. Through the analysis of the classic maximum power point tracking method, and the comparison of the traditional duty ratio perturbation method, a kind of improved duty ratio perturbation method is used in this paper . This method can adjust step length online, solve the "misjudgment" problems appear in traditional methods, and the effectiveness of the method is verified through the simulation results.
keywords:maximum power point tracking  duty ratio perturbation method  photovoltaic system
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