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龚志伟,刘任任 (1.中南林业科技大学 理学院, 湖南 长沙410004
2.湘潭大学 信息工程学院, 湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文摘要:为确定部分四值逻辑的最小覆盖,根据部分K值逻辑的完备性理论、正则可离关系以及准完备集之间的相似关系理论, 对部分四值逻辑的最小覆盖进行分析,证明了270个保二元正则可离关系函数集中的222个函数集必不属于部分四值逻辑中最小覆盖的成员。
中文关键词:多值逻辑  完备性  正则可离关系  最小覆盖
The Elimination of Not Belonging to the Minimal Covering of Preserving Binary Regularly Separable Relations in Partial Four valued Logic
Abstract:To determine the minimal covering in partial four valued logic, according to the completeness theory in partial k valued logic, regularly separable relation and the similar relationship theory among precomplete sets, the minimal covering in partial four valued logic is analyzed, and 222 sets of 270 preserving binary regularly separable relations function sets are proved not belonging to the minimal covering members in partial four valued logic.
keywords:multi valued logic  completeness  regularly separable relations  minimal covering
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