引用本文:黄晶晶, 万丽丽, 秦岭.基于改进粒子群算法的烧结配料预测模型[J].计算技术与自动化,2011,(3):90-94
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黄晶晶, 万丽丽, 秦岭 (武汉工业学院 电气信息工程系,湖北 武汉430022) 
中文关键词:配料优化  粒子群算法  BP神经网络  惯性权重
Prediction Model of Sintering Burden Based on Improved Particle Swarm Algorithm
Abstract:The prediction modeling of the sintering experiment is proposed in this paper, based on BP neural network, according to the nonlinear, complexity and relativity of the sintering burden system. And the parameters of the prediction model are optimized using particle swarm algorithm. In order to overcome the local convergence of standard particle swarm algorithm, inertia weight in this paper is adjusted dynamically and nonlinearly according to the iteration times, so as to improve the algorithm's searching capability. The simulating result shows that the improved particle swarm algorithm has faster converge, fewer iteration times and stronger global optimization ability, compared with other particle swarm algorithms.
keywords:burdening optimization  particle swarm algorithm  BP neural network  inertia weight
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