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贾海涛,张坤,李亮 (莱芜钢铁集团自动化部山东 莱芜271104) 
中文摘要:在自动化控制领域,随着分布式控制系统的发展,在工业上的分布式控 制系统中,采用串行通信来达到远程信息交换的目的更简便。发展起来的RS485是平衡传送的电气标准,在电气指标上有了大幅度的提高。由于其性能优异,结构简单,组网容易,组网成本低廉,RS485总线标准得到了越来越广泛的应用,同时,在RS485总线中采用的Modbus协议是公开的通信协议,而且被很多的工控产品生产厂家支持,该协议已广泛应用于水利、、电力、冶金等行业设备及系统的国际标准中。本文主要阐述采用Modbus协议实现施耐德PLC与ABB变频器的数据通信。
中文关键词:RS485  Modbus协议  PLC  变频器
Based on the Modbus Schneider PLC and ABB Converter Data Communication Between
Abstract:In the automation and control, along with the development of distributed control systems, distributed control in industry System, using serial communication to achieve the purpose of remote information exchange easier. Developed RS485 Is to balance the electricaltransmission standards in the electrical indicators have increased significantly. Because of its performance, Results Structure is simple, easy networking, network cost, RS485 bus standard has been more widely used, Meanwhile, the bus RS485 Modbus protocol is used in open communication protocol, and is a lot of work Control products manufacturer support, the agreement has been widely used in water conservancy, electric power, metallurgy and other industries equipment and systems System of international standards. This article focuses on Schneider PLC using Modbus protocol converter with ABB Data communication.
keywords:RS485  Modbus agreement  PLC  inverter
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