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李娜,刘俊辉 (郑州牧业工程高等专科学校 信息工程系,河南 郑州450011) 
中文关键词:搜索引擎  受欢迎度;PageRank优化算法
PageRank Optimization Algorithm by Applying Improved Popularity Degree
Abstract:In search process, search engine often repeatedly places currently popular pages at the top of search results and ignores unpopular pages. In order to escape from this problem, a PageRank Optimization Algorithm Based on Improved Popularity Degree (PROABIPD) was proposed. The PROABIPD firstly uses a new page real quality ranking function to correct the above problem, and then employs an improved popularity degree to avoid the problem. Experimental results show that the PROABIPD can attain unbiased web ranking and can overcome the aforementioned deficiency of search engine.
keywords:search engine  popularity degree  PageRank optimization algorithm
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