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严奎 (南京工程学院 工程实验与训练中心江苏 南京210000) 
中文摘要:利用OpenGL平台导入三菱RV-3SQ垂直多关节型机器人3D模型,在VC++的环境中采用OpenGL平台进行对3D模型对象进行控制,通过串口通信使模型机器人对象与实际机器人对象联动,为机器人监控提供便利。实验表明,将基于 OpenGL平台的图形虚拟系统与实际控制对象结合起来,能够更好的表现对象的运动过程,在监控系统中具有很强的实用性。
中文关键词:OpenGL  RV-3SQ机器人  3D模型  监控
Based on the OpenGL RV-3SQ Vertical Multi-joint Robot Control Research
Abstract:This paper aims to import the 3D model of Mitsubishi RV-3SQ Robot in the platform of Opengl where the model could be controlled in VC++ environment.It will combine the virtual robot with the actual robot by Serial Communication.Experiment suggests that it could be very practical and it can provide great convenience to connect the virtual system and the actual control of the objects on Opengl Platform in the robot Monitored Control System.
keywords:OpenGL  RV-3SQ robot  3D model  monitor and control
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