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汪华斌,罗中良,曾少宁,翁尚第,胡健 (1,惠州学院 计算机科学系, 广东 惠州516007
2.惠州学院 电子科学系, 广东 惠州516007) 
中文关键词:无线传感器网络  ZigBee  垃圾桶  绿色环保
Design of Intelligent Sanitation Trash Based on ZigBee Network
Abstract:On the basis of the chip CC2430 of TI and ZigBee protocol stack ,a intelligent sanitation trash which is based on ZigBee network is designed,It consists of weight sensors, laser sensors, thermal infrared sensors, voice chips and other components. In circuit design, using solar and other green parts to make it more in line with the concept of environmental protection. City sanitation department by ZigBee wireless network easy and fast real-time monitoring of municipal solid waste sanitation information in a timely manner to clean up the garbage, to ensure environmental hygiene, greatly facilitate the management of municipal solid waste.
keywords:wireless sensor networks  ZigBee  trash  green initiative
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