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曾武,易灵芝,禹云辉,戴彪,戴建利 (湘潭大学 信息工程学院, 湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:开关磁阻电机  MATLAB仿真  低速直驱  开关磁阻风力发电系统
Research and Implementation of Simulator for Low-speed Directly Driven SRG Wind Power System
Abstract:The power generation principle of switch reluctance generator(SRG),and its nonlinear mathematical model are researched,then the SRG simulation models are established on MATLAB platform.A Simulator is designed for low-speed directly driven SRG wind power system based on DSP.This designed device can generate electricity for low-speed directly driven wind power. The experiment and test result proves that the design plan is correct, and the system runs reliably.
keywords:switch reluctance generator  MATLAB simulation  low-speed directly driven  SRG wind power system
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