引用本文:李跃强, 许越男.彩色图像大容量时域隐写[J].计算技术与自动化,2012,(1):93-96
摘要点击次数: 1653
全文下载次数: 163
李跃强, 许越男 (1.湖南怀化医学高等专科学校 公共课部,湖南 怀化418000
2.河北旅游职业学院 旅游管理系,河北 承德067000) 
中文关键词:隐写  彩色图像  时域  大容量  人类视觉系统
On Time Domain Algorithm of High-capacity Steganography in Color Image
Abstract:This paper presents a new time domain algorithm of high-capacity steganography in color image. It can be obtained by utilizing the characteristics of visibility curve and color tolerance of HVS (Human Visual System). Complied with different secret message bit, the secret message has been embedded into cover color image through subtle adjustment in adjacent pixels valume of red comonent. The advantages of the proposed algorithm are high-capacity, transparency and robustness. In addition, it is proof against common image processing and attack, such as noise,cut and conversion etc.
keywords:steganography  color image  time domain  high-capacity  HVS
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