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孟军,马彦恒,董健,任新涛 (军械工程学院 光学与电子工程系河北 石家庄050003) 
中文关键词:ADS-B  空情监视  训练调度  测量结果
Study of the Portable Air Situation Detection System Technological Program on ADS-B
Abstract:As the radar training is lack of scheduling currently and the difficulty to test the training effect ,by analyzing the technical characteristics of the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast(ADS-B),proposing the overall technical program of the portable air situation detection system on ADS-B and elaborating its key technologies.The system achieves the air situation monitoring and guides the commander to make traning schedule through detecing and receiving the high-precision target parameters broadcasted by civil aircraft.By comparing the results of radar measurement to test the training results.
keywords:ADS-B  air situation monitoring  training schedeule  measurement results
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