引用本文:宋一赞, 谢舟, 谢冬青.信息安全等级保护中Linux服务器测评方法研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2012,(1):140-143
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宋一赞, 谢舟, 谢冬青 (1.广州大学 数学与信息科学学院广东 广州5100062. 广州大学 计算机科学与教育软件学院广东 广州510006) 
中文关键词:Linux  服务器  测评  安全策略
The Research on Evaluation Method for Linux Server in Information Security Level Protection
Abstract:With the development and improvement of Linux operating system, Linux operating system of carrying the server be widely used in mittelstand.But the security strategy of many Linux system servers is not perfect.In order to meet the requirement of national information security level protection, protect the safe and stable operation of the enterprise information system, as the basis of evaluation requirements to Information Security Level Protection,the paper proposed to the the specific operation method of Linux system server security assessment, respectively from the different aspects such as peer-entity authentication, access control, safety audit, intrusion prevention and malicious code to prevent and resource control, according to instruction cat, check related instructions configuration of system file, as the basis of this configuration results compare with the specific evaluation requirements of the information security level protection to meet the requirements, and also proposes strengthening security strategy method of Linux server.
keywords:Linux  server  assessment  security policy
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