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欧松 (深圳职业技术学院广东 深圳518055) 
中文关键词:Lagrange方程  Hamilton方程  复杂电路系统  保守和非保守系统动力学模型
The Dynamical Topological Models of Lagrange’s and Hamiltonian Equations for Complex Nonlinear Electrical Circuit System
Abstract:The Lagrange’s and Hamiltonian movement equation are one of the basic principles of analytical mechanics and methodology. The application of Lagrange’s and Hamiltonian theory approach to modeling complex nonlinear conservation electrical circuits dynamics system is a practicable in formulation methodology. But for the non conservation electrical circuits dynamics system, a new micro structure conception of electric charge quantitative control branch and magnetic chain control branch in electrical circuit system has been put forward that have equality with the Lagrange’s equations; Consideration of the topological complexity of large electrical circuit system, based on the micro structure conception of electric charge quantitative control branch and magnetic chain control branch in electrical circuit, and the Lagrange’s and Hamiltonian function that have control parameters are given.; as well as the Lagrange’s and Hamiltonian equations that have incidence matrix and linked matrix; So the complex system topological structure relationship can be specification and find a way out of modeling for this nonlinear conservation and non conservation dynamics model. The modeling processes are formulization and the equations are symmetry. Although the mathematics reduction is complex, but it is appropriate for the formulization supported by computer aided; In addition, the Hamilton methodology models of electrical circuit are first-order differential equation group and this type model is very suitable for theory analysis and numerical simulation.
keywords:Lagrange’s equation  Hamiltonian equation  complex electrical circuit system  conservation and non conservation system dynamics model
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