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贾花萍 (1.渭南师范学院 数学与信息科学学院,陕西 渭南714000
2.渭南师范学院 计算机网络工程技术中心,陕西 渭南714000) 
中文关键词:睡眠脑电(EEG)  BP神经网络  AR参数  Bagging算法  集成
Sleep EEG Staging Studies Based on Neural Network Ensemble
Abstract:Using approximate entropy on sleep EEG signal stage, because the sleep phase III and IV approximate entropy value is very close to, by approximate entropy cannot be distinguished, based on neural network ensemble of sleep EEG staging, using BP neural network as classifier, using the AR parameter extraction of phase III and IV sleep EEG staging. In order to further improve the performance of BP neural network, using Bagging algorithm for BP neural network classifier weighted voting, experimental results show that, the method has very good stage effect.
keywords:sleep EEG  BP neural network  AR parameters  Bagging algorithm  ensemble
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