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吴洲,钟厚金 (1. 广东松山职业技术学院 计算机系广东 韶关5121262. 广东省韶关钢铁集团有限公司广东 韶关512123) 
中文摘要:ERP轧钢系统是基于ORACLE ERP生产制造标准模块的基础上进行系统改进,通过自主二次开发,替代ORACLE ERP系统中轧钢的业务操作;弥补 ERP对钢铁企业轧钢生产过程中的流程跟踪与管理的不足;解决轧钢生产过程中炉号自动生成和钢坯单重无法记录的问题,实现与质量系统无缝连接、质量自动判定等功能。
中文关键词:Oracle 9i  Oracle Forms 6i  作业管理  流程跟踪
Control and Application of ERP in the Management of Iron and Steel Rolling
Abstract:improved and re-developed on the basis of standard production module of ORACLE ERP, steel rolling production ERP system in Shaoguan Iron and steels Inc. has substituted the original Oracle ERP system in steel roling production. This self-development ERP system has successfully made each batch number of blast furnace autogenerated and the weight of steel billet recordable. Hence this system achieved the aim of seamless connection with Quality System and Quality Auto-messuaring, and made up the management shortage in process tracing and control of ERP system in steel rolling production in Iron and steels enterprises.
keywords:Oracle 9i  Oracle Forms 6i  job management  process tracking
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