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梁高明 (深圳市凯立德科技股份有限公司广东 深圳518042) 
中文关键词:A*算法  城市交通网络  道路通行能力  最优路径
The Optimization and Application of Algorithm A* Oriented to Urban Traffic Network
Abstract:The selection of the optimal path in the road network is one of the most basic application of the navigation. If Planning path's selection is reasonable, Efficiency of traffic can be enhanced greatly. This paper will study and try to optimize the algorithm A* based on the features of urban traffic network. Focus on traffic rules to improve the data model of digraph, at the meantime, put the characteristic of road traffic capacity on each section, that's how the calculation of section weight was modeling.
keywords:algorithm A*  traffic neural network  road traffic capacity  optimal path
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