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付月生,王丽 (中船重工第722研究所 基础平台专业部,湖北 武汉430079) 
中文摘要:VxBus设备驱动架构是VxWorks操作系统中引入的最新概念,风河公司在VxWorks 6.2中加入这个架构以来,不断完善,到目前的VxWorks 6.9,设备驱动程序的开发基本上都采用VxBus架构。VxBus驱动程序架构是VxWorks操作系统未来驱动程序发展的方向,也是设计VxWorks操作系统中设备驱动的必经之路。本文分析VxBus设备驱动架构的优点,VxBus组成结构以及基于VxBus架构的设备驱动开发流程。
中文关键词:VxBus  设备驱动程序  VxWorks
The Driver Structure Analysis Based on VxBus
Abstract:The VxBus device driver structure is fairly new to VxWorks, having been added in VxWorks release 6.2 by WindRiver.Now in the VxWorks release 6.9, Basically all the development of device driver use the VxBus structure. VxBus structure is the direction of the device driver development in VxWorks, also, it's the only way to design driver in VxWorks. This paper analyze the advantage of VxBus structure, the component of VxBus and the device driver development process based on VxBus structure.
keywords:VxBus  device driver  VxWorks
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