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李叙林 (深圳市凯立德科技股份有限公司 广东 深圳518040) 
中文摘要:针对目前城市规划信息公众化程度不高的现状,研发一个面向公众服务的城市规划GIS平台。利用城市规划地理信息数据云端管理技术,将多类城市规划数据与GIS数据进行无缝集成,并提出UMSA体系解决原有的瓦片地图切图无法多端共用的问题,采用B/S架构和Weblogic9.2 + J2EE1.4 + JDK1.5环境进行平台的搭建。研究成果在深圳市得到很好应用,在很大程度上提高了面向公众服务的城市规划地理信息综合管理水平。
中文关键词:公众服务  城市规划  UMSA体系  GIS平台
Study and Application of Urban Planning GIS Platform for Public Services
Abstract:As the public service of urban planning information have not reached a high degree,this paper studied in the construction of urban planning information to the public services GIS platform. Techniques of cloud management of Urban planning GIS data and seamless integration between many types of urban planning data and GIS data. Besides proposed the UMSA system to solve the original cut the diagram of tile map can not be multiport shared. The platform structures with B / S structure and Weblogic9.2 + J2EE1.4 + JDK1.5 environment Research has been applied in Shenzhen and got a very good application,which improved the integrated management of public services of urban planning geographic information level.
keywords:public service  urban planning  UMSA system  GIS platform
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