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杨剑,张敏辉 (1. 电子科技大学 成都学院 计算机系四川 成都6234532.四川教育学院 计算机科学系,四川 成都611130) 
中文关键词:智能组卷  数学模型  遗传算法  适应度函数
Research on an Intelligent Test Construction Method Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
Abstract:Computer test construction is a multi-objective constrained optimization problem.It is an important part of examination system.Focus on establishment of intelligent mathematical model to study the genetic algorithm application in the intelligent test construction. To propose a genetic algorithm based on improved methods for intelligent test construction. The result of experiment was shown that the improved algorithm in the intelligent test construction has good usability.
keywords:intelligent test construction  mathematical model  genetic algorithm  fitness faction
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