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周晓雄,姜智勇 (湖南省有线电视网络集团股份有限公司安全播控中心 湖南 长沙410003) 
中文摘要:为了满足有线电视网络数据中心的快速增长,提高数据中心的可靠性,降低数据中心的能耗,改善PUE值,打造绿色节能的数据中心. 本文从供电系统和制冷系统两个方面入手,提出“双总线”供电技术、冷通道封闭技术等提高数据中心可靠性、降低数据中心能耗的技术方案,为构建绿色数据中心提供更为有效的理论依据。
中文关键词:有线电视  绿色节能  PUE  可靠性  冷通道封闭  自然冷源精密空调
The Construction Methods of the New Generation of Green Data Center of Cable TV Network
Abstract:In order to meet the rapid growth of data center in cable TV network, improve the reliability of the data center, reduce data center energy consumption, improve the PUE value, create a green energy efficient data centers. this paper proposed the Technical solution of dual bus and Closed cooling channel to improve data center reliability and reduce data center energy consumption from the two aspects of the supply system and cooling system,the results could be beneficial for providing theoretical basis to building a green data center.
keywords:CATV  green energy  PUE  reliability  closed cooling channel  natural coldness precision cooling
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